Masumi is an integrative therapist, and astrology and meditation is the core of her work. Her specialty is self-knowledge, with the purpose of connecting the divine to everyday life, with joy, so the individual feels more at home in its own nature. "The stars give us tips regarding what can be explored at the moment, bringing a new look at our experiences and thus discovering more and more who we are. Life becomes much more fun when we understand that behind everything there is learning!”
Masumi Suginoshita, Luna's mother, was born in São Paulo, grew up in Amsterdam, attended high school in Valinhos, São Paulo, and graduated in Social Communication at Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM). She worked in advertising agencies and at 27 years old, she decided to change course and began her transition period.
Halfway through she thought she would be a stylist and graffiti artist, but eventually became an alchemist. Little did she know that her interest in astrology and meditation naturally would one day turn into her career.
Today she works with self-knowledge, acting with various tools, such as The Joel Aleixo alchemy system, tarot, astrology and meditation. She is also a student in the Phytotherapy and Holistic Nutrition program of Pacific Rim College, Canada.
She has written for various magazines such as Capricho, Elle, iG, MdeMulher, Marie Claire and Claudia Magazine.